Monday, October 06, 2008

::Our Latest Comings and Goings::

Well...My boys are older than that last time I blogged. As your kiddos are too, I hope to hear updates on everyone soon. It is almost Winter, the time for staying in with coffee and blogging your lil' hearts out :)

Sonderful is 12 and in 7th grade.
And doing wonderful and awesome in school, as usual :)
Straight A's on his interm he just recieved. He has made alot of new friends over the Summer and since school started. He is rarely ever home anymore, he is off running almost everyday till 8 pm. And I think he is starting to notice girls.. SIGH!!! There is one that hangs around from time to

As for Sonshine, he is 7 and in 2nd grade.
He is really enjoying school this year. This is the first year that he is totally confident in himself.
He is reading and doing math like a champ. And his speech problems, HA Goodbye to that..LOL
He is non stop running too, he has two best friends that are twins across the street. There aren't that many boys his age in the neighborhood.
But he did just join Cubscouts, so that will be fun since he has many friends at school, they just don't live bike riding

As for B, he is now working at a normal 8-4:30(goes to 5 in Spring) job. He works at the same place as my Stepdad and Brother. Finally a job with ins. and the best part of that is IT IS FREE!
Ofcourse we have to pay when we go to the docs etc.,but nothing gets taken out of his WEEKLY checks..And every Christmas they get a great bonus, that goes up every year!
Every year your vaca days go up...when he gets his yr mark he will get a weeks vacation time!! And then each year it goes up one week...
I have been wanting him to do this for SOOOOO Long and finally one day the opportunity came up where he could not turn it down..

As for me, I still have my 'moments' but all in all I am good..
My boys are growing up and life is moving on.......
I will go back to H&R Block in Jan. I am looking forward to that.. Last April when H&R Block was done I worked at a nursery doing super easy plant stuff until school started.
Then it was time to get the boys ready and settled in..Now that we have done that I have started babysitting M-F Her name is Taylor and she is 4 and so so so sweet.
I am also taking tax prep classes.. ONLY 2 MORE CHAPTERS TILL THE FINAL EXAM!!!!
I am super excited about this.. If I pass it means PAY RAISE AND JOB SECURITY!!!
I am doing really well, boy are there alot of big words in tax shit..LOL
But Mom and I are enjoying it.... And it is actually kind of fun.

I have been scrapping on and off...No one around here does it, and my one friend that is really into it is few cities over and our kids fight the whole time they are So we can't really do much till they are asleep..and I dont put mine to bed early on weekends so that doesnt help And it is SUPER Boring doing it alone..But I will post pics of ones I have done... I am slowing 'finding my groove' as I was once told I would find.

Hmm...What else is new...
Oh well we recently lost a family member my cousin Shawn. My siblings,my Mom and my StepDad all went to WI for his funeral.
But when one life is lost another is born..My Sister Hilary just found out she is having her THIRD lil Princess...She hasnt picked a forsure name yet but I will let you know when she does...

Oh and my other Sis Crystal scored a 650 on her GED TEST!! WOO HOO WTG Sis I knew you could do it!! She is supposed to get National Recognition, I will let you know what develops from that....

Hmmm I think that about covers everything... Hope to hear from everyone soon!!


Blogger Jayme Downs said...

My goodness, the boys have really grown, have gotten older and moved on up in school. I'm so proud of Sonshine and his speech! WTG!!!! :)

We've been running from hurricanes... ;) All is well for us though. Thank goodness.

Ryan is 9 and in the 3rd grade and Saira is 5 and in Kindergarten. He's in the middle of football right now and does TaeKwonDo too. So he has us soooo super busy anymore. Saira, thank goodness isn't doing anything right now. ;) It's not baseball season though, so that will change in the Spring.

11:21 PM  

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