Friday, December 30, 2005


Well 2005 is really almost over...Can you believe it?
Vacation is also flying by! But believe me buddy I have been enjoying it..I love that I can sleep in a bit while the kiddos play or watch tv!
Right now they are playing playdough!! I can't believe I said yes..The last time they pulled it out Sonshine got it all over the carpet...UGH But so far so
Sonshine has a new thing he is loving to do.. Since we have been working so hard with him on B sounds and words he says..
"Mommy, I have something for you that starts with a B"
"Ok gimme it" I say
He turns around and moons me...LMAO.. He says, "My Butt, Butt starts with a B" OMG MY SONS ARE ALLLLLLLLLLLLL BOY!!!!!!! Gotta love em..LOL
Farting and fart noises and poop... And I can't even count on Hubby to help me he is just as much as a boy as they are..LOL I AM SOOOOOOOOO OUTNUMBERED!!
I found a blinkie that says so too, I can't wait to put it up!!
Oh and I dont know if I mentioned this or not but I CAN use my printer that Hubby got me!! YAAY!!! I can't use it without the computer at the moment but yaay! I can use it still!!
Hubby has been taking over the computer at night time with his Diablo 2..He hasn't started playing against people online,but I doubt he will... He is not so much an online gamer as he is off of it,except for Magic online he enjoys playing his cousin with that..LOL
Sonderful and him have been playing Magic alot this past week, as Sonderful got his own deck..boy is he stoked!!
We arnt doing much tonight..playing with the boys thats about all!!
I already made dinner, I made it at lunch time for me..LOL Rigatoni so that is done..Have some dishes to do thats about it!
I hope everyone has a great Friday! It is crappy and rainy here again for the 3rd day in a row..I HATE RAIN!!!!!


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