Monday, January 09, 2006

::Hi There!::

Good afternoon everyone!!!!!
I hope you are all having a beauuuuuuteful day!!!!!! Today is not a bad day here, I am just getting in a few minutes of computer time here, Sonshine is playing a game and we are waiting for Sonderful to get home from school! Hubby is at work till I believe 7 tonight.
I have not done to much today, a load of dishes and hung out with Sonshine! AND watched Days and As The World Turns! Oh, both shows just break my heart!! If you watch either you will understand..LOL
I will be doing one more load of dishes, well silverware. Then getting the boys some dinner, I think it is a kid cousine night tonight..LOL

We also owe the boys a pinky sweared game of Crazy 8's..LOL So it is bath night, family game night, and beddy bye for the boys while Mommy has a few cocktails(HOPEFULLY I will be in the mood for and watch Vegas and Medium(This looks sooo AWESOME tonight), and doing some laundry,While most likely Hubby will be sitting right here in this spot playing Diablo II.
Medium watchers, let me know what you think of tonights show after you watch it!!!

Thats really about all going on here! Same Old Shit, Different Day!
Oh but I did want to give you all a heads up on what I have been doing...
NOT drinking Dr. Pepper that is!! WOOHOO Go me!!! I am happy to say it has been 3 days and NO DP!
I could drink a TON a day really, I am completely completely addicted..BAD!
I had gaterade and water..Mainly water..Oh and coffee in the am! Somedays I can drink my coffee all day long, but I have decided one pot and that is it! Water after that! I need to get energy and lose some weight! I think I could lose about 40 pounds and look great! I soo wish I had a scale though so I could get started on keeping track, but ofcourse no scale..soon I hope!
And I have not really been eating that much *bad for me* foods.. I bought a ton of Yoplait Whips,but need to restock, so I have been eating thoughs throughout the day if I want a snack.. And I bought myself some Cherrios W/ strawberry frosted yogurt! I can't wait to try them!
I am going to be getting a journal going for myself.. I was thinking of maybe making a seperate blog for my journey with it all.. What do you think?
As for the not smoking part, not doing so hot.. OMG I forgot how hard it is!! I feel so bad that I can't quit, I feel like a failure! =(
So thanks for listening to me ramble.. Wish me luck on changing myself to a person I like!!


Blogger JC said...

I have been crying watching Days these past few days. I will be watching Medium but not until after Little Guy goes to bed, so I'll let ya know what I think about it. That show is AWESOME! WTG on the not drinking DP I wish I didn't drink so much coffee but I just love it. Good Luck Ali and Hugs!!

6:32 PM  
Blogger Jayme Downs said...

Very good, Awesome Ali! But the smoking part, I'm sure you're gonna have to take it one step at a time. You'll probably need to knock out the DP thing first. Then slowly work on the weight and then conquer the smoking. I wish you could do the acupuncture like my mom did. You know, she still is smoke free. OMG, you just don't know how proud I am of her. For 29 years I lived with her smoking. I could cry right now. :) :)

YOu'll get the smoking kicked soon, I know you can.

oh, btw, I have about 60 lbs I need to lose. UGH!

10:28 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

Wow! Sounds like you're making alot of changes at once! That could be why quitting smoking is so hard right now. I'd try focusing on one thing at a time. Sailor is quitting right now, that was his new year's resolution. I got him some fake cigarrettes at Walgreens (called End It or something). They seem to be helping alot. They're right next to the cigarrettes and other quit smoking aids. Maybe you could try those next time? They have some little filter thing in them and they fool your brain into thinking you're smoking. Sailor didn't like the flavor of the filter, so he removed it and is just smoking air. LOL Whatever works, right? Good luck with ALL of your goals!!!

9:33 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

Ok so werid... I thought for sure that I posted a comment on here. Did you post something similar on MO????

6:57 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

Ok so werid... I thought for sure that I posted a comment on here. Did you post something similar on MO????

6:57 PM  
Blogger ::Ali:: said...

Thanks for all the support girls!
I know I am trying to much at once. So right now I am focusing on weight and no dp! LOL I know cutting the pop alone will do so much for me! And I am a coffee drinker, but I can drink non decaffinated if I wanted to also.. I love both!
Then I figure if AFTER I have lost some weight, I can *treat* myself to a DIET one now and then..LOL I also liked the diet cherry/vanilla dp!
I have cut back the cigerettes a little bit..
GiGi, My Aunt and Uncle are only social smokers too..I don't think I could do that..But I also know how hard it is to NOT have a smoke while haveing a beer..UGH EVERYTHING NOT GOOD FOR YOU IS SOO HARD TO QUIT..LOL
But I am glad I have a good support system with all of you!!
Oh and Java... I am not sure if I posted at mo about this or not.LOL

10:08 AM  

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