::Something Caught ME::
(I say caught me cause I wasn't lookin..LOL)
UGH!!! I hate feeling like this.. But I think a buggy latched on and doesn't want to let loose..LOL
I started feeling like total shit yesterday...all that beginning of flu like symtoms(sp?)
I finally was able to have Nyquil lastnight so I don't feel like I was hit by a truck this morning..But it will come in time..
Right now I am just enjoying my cup of coffee.. Sonshine has been iffy with a scratchy throat for the past few days but that cleared right up with some cough medicine... But Mommy can't take cough medicine unless it is pills...
But Mommy is rarely sick and when I do I get knocked the fuck out! LOL
I also believe I am pmsing! What a combo huh.. I have had those 'I'm on my way to visit you' cramps...LOL So that bitch is on her way... I have been CRAVING and I mean CRAVING paydays...YUMMY!! Salty and sweet...I LOVE EM!! I always want a whole case of them oh once a month but I could eat them everyday of my life if I could..LOL
BLAH SOoo that is my exciting update on the sickies!! Damn weather change..And go figure yesterday I start feeling like shit and it is about 80 degreees out side...WTF??